
Todeleteonecharacterbefore(totheleftof)thecursor,typeX(uppercase).DeletingaWordorPartofaWord.Todeleteaword,positionthecursorat ...,,2020年7月6日—Theregulareressionpatternintheabovecommandis^|-([^|]-+-)|.-+.,2017年1月5日—YoushouldsimplyuseX(whichisshift+x).,2019年3月6日—Yes,usethetillmotion.dt.meansdeleteuntila.Thereisalsothefindmotion,whichdeletesuptoandincludingthecharacter.,2016年10月16日—Pl...

Basic vi Commands (Solaris Advanced User's Guide)

To delete one character before (to the left of) the cursor, type X (uppercase). Deleting a Word or Part of a Word. To delete a word, position the cursor at ...

how to remove specific characters in vi or vim editor

2020年7月6日 — The regular eression pattern in the above command is ^|-([^|]-+-)|.-+ .

How do I delete the previous character in vim?

2017年1月5日 — You should simply use X (which is shift + x ).

VIM Delete up until wordcharacter

2019年3月6日 — Yes, use the till motion. dt. means delete until a . There is also the find motion, which deletes up to and including the character.

How can I use vim to remove first few characters of the ...

2016年10月16日 — Place cursor on first or last ;; Press Ctrl + v to enter Visual Block mode; Use arrow keys or j , k to select the ; characters you want to ...

How do you delete two characters?

2023年11月9日 — Hold SHIFT, right-right-backspace. Or fn-delete-delete on a Mac.

How to input the "delete" key in Vim's Insert Mode?

2022年8月7日 — In insert mode, you can just use <C-W> to delete the word to the left. The delete key on the other hand, deletes the character that is in front ...

How to Delete all Text in a File Using ViVim Editor?

2023年6月7日 — Deleting a single character or line in Vi/Vim editor is straightforward. To delete a single character, position the cursor on the character you ...

Fastcopy 5.8.1 最快的檔案拷貝工具

Fastcopy 5.8.1 最快的檔案拷貝工具
